
Getting Back to it. . . Soon!

As I sit here, eating my ‘Cup-o-Lunch’ I am realizing how much I miss brewing. I think it has to do with both the change in season and apathy at work. Summer was far too hot for me to want to stand over a boiling batch of hot grains, but, now that fall has started to appear I am ready to take to the kettle once again! I think I’m going to re-learn how to do everything, that way I can correct mistakes I made in the past. In the vein of going back-to-basics, I am going to work on a Pale Ale in my first Massachusetts batch. Pale Ales are my typical go-to when trying a new brewery, so I feel it is a fitting trial for the re-start of my hobby.
One of my biggest problems was this one lingering taste; some call it the ‘homebrew taste,’ I want very badly to get rid of this. I spoke with a friend of a friend about this, I’m hoping he will be able to help further. The running guess of this taste is oxidation, probably from the bottling stage. There is too much oxygen getting into the beer, and ruining the taste. The other option could be the sugar used. I’m thinking of trying treacle instead of corn sugar, but maybe not in this first re-try.
Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Jeff Lance said...

'Bout time you started posting again!